The Online Classes

A short something on 'Online Classes' (not exactly tho), which I wrote as an assigment for my ENGT105 class.
Date created: June 15, 2024

The world went through a pandemic in late 2019. Being stuck at home, separated from the outside world, it was something.
It all felt like a distant concern, something that wouldn’t have any affect in our life.
Well well, how the tables had turned.
We first heard about the outbreak when we were towards the end of grade 9. Then the lockdown made all the difference, the schools closed, the offices closed, businesses collapsed, and what not.

During the Pandemic

Making the shift from physical classes to online was a rollercoaster of emotions. It was fun at first, it all felt like a relaxing holiday.
I didn’t have to get to the school, didn’t had to get dressed for school.
I could attend online classes from the comfort of my home. Obviously the online classes weren’t that effective as most of us used to sleep through the class.

The cases of the virus were increasing exponentially during this time. The state made the lockdown even more strict.
Our SEE exams were cancelled and it was time for us to join high school, having no idea what to do, I researched around and joined Computer Science.
We had no idea the pandemic would effect our lives this much, being isolated from the world, not knowing the last day of school had been already experienced.

Post Pandemic

I would consider my years in high school, post pandemic as almost everything went to being normal, except ofcourse the mandatory masks and all. Currently, I am pursuing my bachelors in Computer Science, at Kathmandu University.\

I wrote this as reminder to myself too; of the experiences I have had.